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I-Tan (Danny)

April 04, 2024

An AI generated image of meAn AI generated image of me

Hello everyone πŸ‘‹. My name is I-Tan, or Danny. My journey has been a strange one. I graduated as a Ph.D. in electrical engineering with a focus on optoelectronic properties of Graphene, a single-layer sheet of carbons. I also published a textbook on the subject, and I thought I will be a physicist in the academic. I ended up building my startup Rimo, a phone holder that enables 360-degree video call using hand gestures. Few years later with all my saving burned, I decided to focus on my career in Intel, building the next-generation 3D flash memory. This path became bleak when Intel"s stock nose dived and our department was sold to a Korean company HK Hynix. People jumped ship and so did I, and now here I am in YouTube doing totally different things as a software engineer. I swear this paragraph is not written by AI πŸ€– (same thing cannot be said for the picture).

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