Blogs >Introducing MyFinsight.com (Dec 12, 2024)
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Introducing MyFinsight.com

My second website for your finantial insights πŸ‘
Dec 12, 2024

Tesla income statement |1742|755Tesla income statement

The website myfinsight.com aims to make complicated company financials easy to understand. I used to manually send the finance infographics to friends and family. I found it easier just to make a website and they can grab the data from it.

  1. This is my second website. I am still a newbie in terms of making websites. My first one is my personal blogs itanlin.com, which is also using Next.js. People usually say it is overkill to build blogs using Next.js, but I found it a good way to learn and practice .
  2. I use v0.dev heavily. v0 is a AI chat bot with in-depth knowledge on modern web technologies. To create a new component, I usually iterate on v0 first to get a functional component with an OK looking. Then, I will copy it to my codebase and further refine it.
  3. I struggle the most with colors and UX since they are not my strength.
  4. There are still many issues on myfinsight.com. For example, the revalidate is still not working for me in fetch(url,{ next: { revalidate: 18000 } }). It is still re-fetching the data for the same ticket after ~3600 seconds instead of 18000 in production. I will give it another look when I update this project to Next.js 15.
  5. I use BigQuery for database, and deploy using container on CloudRun. I choose Google mostly due to my background
  6. Data pipeline is written in Python. It grabs financial data from SEC.gov daily and uploads to the database

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